EB Lions AFC

The committee voluntarily run EB Lions AFC.

Every member is equally important to keep the club functioning as an England FA Accredited 2 Star Club.

  • Club Chairman

    Adrian Bush

    Adrian is a well respected member of the community, and a long standing volunteer for the club now into his 21st Season!. Adrian is also the Ladies Team Manager, and helps out other teams where needed..chair@eblions.co.uk

  • Club Vice-Chairman

    Tim Patis

    Tim become Vice Chair in 2024, after many years on the committee, alongside coaching within the club. Tim is also a qualified referee. vicechair@eblions.co.uk

  • Football Development

    Tim Patis & Darren Green

    Tim is a UEFA C Qualified Coach and a Referee, so brings his experience from these into our Foundation Stage Development. Darren is a UEFA B Qualified Coach and specialises in Youth Development. footballdevelopment@eblions.co.uk

  • Facilities and Pitches

    Adrian Bush / Tim Patis


If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact our Club Secretary.


  • Club Secretary & Social Media

    Jo Patis

    Jo is our Club Secretary & Media Manager. Jo brings her Operations and organisational skills to the club helping to keep us complaint with FA requirements. She is a qualified coach and helps out with teams.secretary@eblions.co.uk

  • Child Welfare Officer and Registration Secretary

    Stacey Coath

    Welfare is at the heart of what we do. If you have any welfare questions or concerns please contact Stacey. Stacey is also your go to for getting registered with the club and a league.childwelfare@eblions.co.uk

  • Treasurer

    Danny Riley

    Danny is a Qualified Accountant, running his own successful business. He's also a qualified coach within the club running his Sons team.treasurer@eblions.co.uk

Other committee members;

Paul Young, Kevin Stanbridge, Teresa Stack-Murray, Warren Newbert